Tabitha Julien
MPH, PhD (c)
Researcher. Storyteller. Organizer.
Tabitha Julien is a Public Health Researcher who is a current doctoral student at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine and a Tenant & Anti-Displacement Organizer with Equality For Flatbush (E4F).
Place matters. Especially for health outcomes. Tabitha is passionate about telling the untold stories of the direct and indirect health effects of gentrification on long-time rent-stabilized tenants in Brooklyn through her research. Her goal as a storyteller is to supplement scientific journal articles, by amplifying the unheard voices of her home community of Black & Caribbean rent-stabilized tenants through Public Health Journalism. You know, the stories and realities that statistics don't capture and mask.
Public Health in Action. Tabitha has found her home as an organizer for E4F, a grass-roots organization that fights gentrification and displacement for Black & Caribbean tenants in Brooklyn, NY since 2013. It is through this organization that she is able to rapidly respond to housing displacement emergencies that threaten the safety and health of tenants while also holding landlords and management companies legally accountable.
Tabitha aims to "Shake the table... for good!" and is driven by a deep desire for justice. She plans to give a street-level account of public health in action through media, scientific publications, and organizing.
Prior to joining NYU, Tabitha worked at the NYC Department of Mental Health and Hygiene within the Division of Disease Control as a Research Scientist a part of the Zika Virus response.

"You know, the stories and realities that statistics don't capture and mask."
Community Engagement
Equality For Flatbush
Tenant & Anti-Displacement Organizer
CUNY Brooklyn College Bachelor of Science (B.S)
Major: Biology
Minor: Women's Studies
SUNY Albany School of Public Health Master of Public Health (MPH)
NYU Grossman School of Medicine Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
In Progress
NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Division of Disease Control
Research Scientist
November 2015-August 2017
NYS Department of Health
Center for Environmental Health
Research Scientist
December 2014-October 2015