Tabitha Julien
MPH, PhD (c)
+ Researcher. I tell the polylithic stories of the health effects of gentrification on rent-stabilized tenants in NYC.
+ Storyteller. I amplify the untold experiences of the Black and Caribbean community through Public Health Journalism.
+ Organizer. I fight against gentrification and the displacement of Caribbean tenants in Brooklyn.
NYU Grossman School of Medicine
Vilcek Institute
Tabitha Julien
"I shake the table... for good!"

"The Queen From Crown Heights"
Tabitha Julien is a Public Health Research Scientist whose source of inspiration and passion for her research has always been her native West-Indian community of Crown Heights Brooklyn, NY.
Through her research and storytelling, she aims to tell bring awareness to the complexities of the effects of gentrification within Caribbean neighborhoods in Brooklyn. As a Tenant & Anti-Displacement Organizer with EqualityForFlatbush, she uses her housing research and applies culturally relevant interventions and strategies to help Caribbean tenants keep their homes... for good!
"Gentrification is a fuzzy word."
Tabitha Julien speaks at the Center for Urban Pedagogy on gentrification.
Follow the Journey...
For the rest of 2020 and 2021, there wouldn’t be much activity on my dissertation proposal. I went through multiple cycles of brainstorming, literature searching, and writing, only to find another bump in the road that would deter me to a new path.
At this point, I was tired and decided to let go and let God.
“What are you trying to show me, God? You know I don’t like to feel idle. If I’m not supposed to be focused on school, what are my next steps?”

Crown Heights
Brooklyn, NY